The New Earth: Starseed by Withtrow Clinton

The New Earth: Starseed by Withtrow Clinton

Author:Withtrow, Clinton [Withtrow, Clinton]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2020-06-21T00:00:00+00:00

As he approaches the insertion complex, he is taken back by the size and technology of this place. The brightest and most advanced beings work here. From all over the Pleiadean planet group, the water planets. the land planets and even the Etheric realm are employed here. As he approaches the insertion building it’s a massive sphere with smaller spheres stacked on it going in many different directions some up some sideways. A true marvel to look at. This mission is proposed to last 1 Pleiadean lunar cycle. So at least it is not a long mission.

As he gets into the insertion pod, he is reminded the hundreds of times he has done this and how this is his home away from home. He sees the launch captain Trinady and he can tell something is off with her vibration, so he asks how everything is going and she says she is missing her mate Jovial who is presently on a mission in the earth construct as well, Jardain reminds her that he’s missing her more than she is missing him. They both chuckle as she is reminded how clingy he is when he is home and how he chases her around their family sphere till she can’t run no more. It’s in this moment that Trinady vibration raises and Jardain feels this. We are all one, when one of us is suffering we all are suffering. The Pleiadean social systems are set up to accommodate these things. He gives her a quick hug and gets into the insertion sphere. These things are a marvel of Pleiadian technology, they can support physical life as well as support the consciousness. After he’s strapped in and all the system diagnostics are run, he says he is ready and closes his eyes and the tunnel appears, He moves his consciousness through the portal and in a flash, he opens his eyes and he’s in the Trump avatar. Taking Reptilian avatars is always an uncomfortable feeling, having to constantly eat dead flesh, especially human flesh that they so desire, It’s like lobster to a human. This is the worst thing about pretending to be a Reptilian. As he comes too, he is in surgery recovery just as was planned. His handler is there asking him if he’s ok, every political player and media figure has a handler these works directly from the organization known on earth as the Jesuits they oversee the day to day operations and make sure the avatars are doing what they are supposed to be doing. The time right after the insertion is always the most nervous part, occasionally the etheric implants have malfunctioned. This avatar is a clone he can feel the genetic defects, this was one of the reasons this avatar was chosen. It’s a lot easier to separate a soul from a clone than a natural-born avatar. The handler comes over assesses him, he can feel the reptilian scanning his vibration and then he feels the acceptance letting him know he’s all good.


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